Marketing Translation Services: How To Communicate Benefits Instead of Features

Marketing Translation Services: How To Communicate Benefits Instead of Features

Marketing Translation Services: How To Communicate Benefits Instead of Features

Posted on June 19th, 2022.

In this article, we will discuss how Marketing translation services can turn their features, qualifications, and certifications into benefits which allows them to communicate their value to their clients instead of just communicating features.

In this article, we will discuss how Marketing translation services can turn their features, qualifications, and certifications into benefits which allows them to communicate their value to their clients instead of just communicating features.

Moreover, we will also try to share four different steps to find the benefits that features of a translation company can provide.

One may question why we need to do that?

Well, experts proclaim that if you evaluate your website or LinkedIn profile you will find how difficult it is to communicate the value that your media translation services are attempting to deliver. On the other hand, if one just provides benefits to their customer rather than stating their features, it would change their entire game. Therefore, focusing on stuff like educational certifications or the number of years that we are working in the industry is not profitable in the long run.

The important thing is that a lot of translation companies forget to turn the features into benefits. Hence, it’s important to discuss how to communicate the benefits

The following are the four steps that can make this process much easier.

List All The Features That Your Translation Agency Is Offering

The first step is just to list all the features that you offer, for example, translation, editing, proofreading, transcreation, and localization.

So basically, the first step is to state what your company does. In this particular step, we can focus on translation and localization.

Examine What Each Feature Does?

Then we have step number two. Step number two is to examine what each feature does.

So what you do is that you elucidate and describe your features, for example, if you want to convey to your potential customers that you are offering transcreation services, you can explain it like this;

“The description would be adapting a message from one language to another while maintaining its intent, style, tone, and context.”

And for localization, you can state that ‘ it is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific locale or language or market’. The translation is only one of several elements of the localization process. In addition to translation, the localization process may also include adapting graphics. This is how you convey the benefits to your customers rather than just stating features.

So what you are doing is that by describing each feature in detail, you are creating a better understanding of what each feature can offer to a prospective customer. This enables you to get the benefit.

Connecting Features To The Needs And Wants of The Customers

The third step would be to connect the features to the customer’s wants and needs. How do your features relate to their pain points and goals?

So if you already have customers, the first thing that you need to do is to look at what the customers are looking for or what they are seeing or asking for. Judging the comments and what they state in the emails, feedback or testimonials is something you start by.

Moreover, you also need to ask what they say about each feature? And the important thing is to understand what they like about your features and services and what are the things that you can improve upon and how they are using your services.

So here’s an example for translation and localization. And how you can connect your features to the needs and wants of your customers, even if you are running journalism translation services.

“Transcreation can help increase your global brand equity. It makes sure your intended message gets through to your target customer in the local country. And with the message adapted to the local culture, you can make sure that your campaign is as successful as it is in the home market for localization.”

Moreover, you can also state, “ It can increase marketing share and revenue while strengthening the global presence and building a connection with local customers.”

So that was the step number three that you can perform

How Features Create An Emotional Connection?

Step number four is how the features create an emotional connection. No matter how big the company is, or how logical the buyer is they are still affected by emotions. And most importantly, they buy with emotions.

The important thing to understand over here is that there are no right and wrong answers. It all depends on the customer. But still here are some examples from transcreation and localization.

The customer will feel confident that the message that they want to convey reaches the target customers. They don’t want to have to worry about making cultural or linguistic errors that are offensive in the target market for localization.

The customer will feel secure and relieved that the software works just as well in the local Target Market. And are excited about the increased profits.


Experts proclaim that “Features tell and benefits sell.” Therefore, if translation companies are offering services, they need to sell their benefits. They must convey to their customers how the features of their translation services will benefit their company in the short and long run.


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